What is in the word Inspiration?

When we decided to do this journey, I think both Cody and I thought "We will do a walk, we will hope to raise some money and we will try our best to make a small change in the world." As I have said before, this walk initially was just a thought of putting on a backpack and hitting the road. Setting up a go fund me page and hope that maybe we could obtain our lofty goal. As time ticked on, this became so much bigger then I could have ever expected (and for that matter bigger then Cody could have ever dreamt too). We ended up blessed with places to stay, sponsorship to cover our costs, people bringing us stuff along our route. I think what has been the hardest thing to comprehend is that we were inspirational. Many might currently be thinking "Well of course you were, you did something I could never do and look at all the funds you raised" Truly inspirational indeed right? Well these words had to sit with me for sometime before ...