It's Tomorrow and Davis Bay Elementary School!


I can hardly believe that tomorrow is the DAY!  Cody is getting rather nervous which in turn is making me a bit nervous.  EEEk.  However I know we will do great.  I hope to do one more post tonight about our amazing coverage!  So stay tuned on that.  For this one however I wanted to say how thrilled I have been with the amazingness of our community.  Cody decided he wanted to involve his school.  We made tags for glass jars and distributed them to all the classrooms (9 in total).  We asked the kids to bring in their spare change for "Cash for the climb".  Cody also wanted to make it special by using his allowance to buy a gift card for one lucky student to London Drugs as a thank you for helping out!  This kid amazes me every day. Well, let me tell you, we far exceeded what we expected.  The graph above shows us at $435, however, one class room got their jar in after the count so with that one added in, Davis Bay Elementary School raised a whopping $500, over doubling what we had hoped for!  I love how everyone is rallying behind this walk and making such an amazing difference.  On that note:

We have made it half way to our GOAL!  $15000.00 has been raised so far!!!!!  THANKS to everyone who has donated so far.  We are truly grateful!


  1. Congratulations Cody and Megan and Davis Bay Elementary!! You are inspiring many with your BIG and WARM hearts!!


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