Sponsorship! And Help.

Through this journey I have learned that it really does take a village. Cody and I have been so lucky to get so much help from our community. It amazes me everyday at how much people are willing to help. I have had donations of money to cover costs of our walk (Olson Electric Ltd., Sechelt Truck and Equipment Ltd., Off the Edge Bike Shop, Two Way Supply), donations of nights at places to stay along the way (Beyond Bliss and Pender Harbour Resort and Marina), donations of runners to make the walk comfier (Pacesetter in Gibsons BC), donations of ad space in a magazine (Home on the Coast/Ecofab Modular Homes), donation of a website (TPM) and donations of a gift certificate cover our cost of food (Claytons). These donations don't cover the time and energy that have been put into this as well! The Sunshine Coast Community Solar Association has been key in donating their time in so many ways to making this walk happen. They have taken part in m...