The Walks

In January Cody and I decided we needed to train for this walk. What you can't just get out and do the walk mom? Nope, we need to prep. Cody has been involved from day one and he is great at picking out places to walk. Each week we have been attempting to do about 10km. Cody let's me know where he wants to walk and I try to pick a spot to traverse. We have decided to stick to the roads. Why? We will be walking cement on our main walk so we want to be as prepared as possible. To date we have done 4 walks (each weekend we get out, with our first walk being the test run and three since). We are preparing to listen to podcasts on our main walk. So far this has been a great thing to have on hand but not needed. The amazing gift that Cody has, is the gift of gab. He is a smart, inquisitive kid who never stops seeing things and questioning them. Attached is a photo from each of walks so far.